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Enquiry Details:
Event Dates: 01/01/1970 - 01/01/1970
Our service requires a commission rate of 9% + VAT based upon the NET pre agreed booking value
Please confirm your agreement to pay commission on bookings made from our service agreement Yes No
Are you prepared to offer bedrooms to our client? Yes No
Is AV Equipment included in your prices Yes No
Please hold the meeting space and bedrooms offered on first option and state clearly the option’s deadline. Yes No
I agree that I am authorised to confirm this allocation on behalf of the venue and by doing so confirm that all of the information is correct and that we agree to pay the agreed introductory commission to Bebres on all pre-agreed/booked services where a provisional/tentative booking is made, even if the Client ultimately confirms the booking directly, providing it can be established as a new piece of business. Commission is due as a result of contracted cancellation charges, ‘no show’ charges, early departure charges, and other amendments with financial implications including increases in delegate numbers.
I Agree
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